Midland Counties Cat Club
2017 AGM Calling Notice
Our AGM will be held at the Bromsgrove Hotel & Spa (formerly the Hilton Hotel, Bromsgrove) on Sunday 23rd April at 1100hrs prompt. Coffee & Danish pastries will be served on arrival & we anticipate the meeting being closed around 1230pm thus enabling members to attend other AGMs being held on the same day. We will be having a Club Lunch after the meeting at a local Carvery, details to be advised later.
Mesdames Gray, Danks & Fryer’s terms of incumbency are due to expire but all have indicated their willingness to stand again for re-election; they need proposing in the usual way. Mrs. Tina Covell-Palmer who was co-opted onto the Committee last year is now eligible for election thus also requires proposing. Tina has a special interest in Equal Opportunities and in making shows more disabled member friendly. Sadly, Gavin Tasker has resigned both as Treasurer & from the Committee. Gavin took on a mammoth task of heroic proportions, so our profound thanks to him for restoring order out of chaos. Consequently, we now have 3 vacancies to fill, should anyone like to become actively involved in the running of this prestigious & historic Club. Nominees must be fully paid up members & will require proposing by another member. All such proposals should be sent to me either by email or in writing not later than Sunday 9th April.
Members, please note that subscriptions (£3.50 Single, £5.50 Joint) became due for renewal on 1st January & may be sent either to myself or with entries for our forthcoming show.
Mrs. Dorothy A. Stone.
Hon Secretary,
9, Druids Oak,
GL2. 4YT.